Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Federal Government has called on the U.S. to support Nigeria to attract more investors into the country.

Hajiya Aisha Abubakar, the Minister of State for Industry, Trade and Investment, made the call when the officials of Nigerian- American Chamber of Commerce paid her a courtesy visit in Abuja on Friday.

Buhari and Obama
“America is a world leader in terms of investment and we will need your support in assuring investors that Nigeria is open and safe for business,’’ she said.

Abubakar said there has been a lot of improvement in the relationship between the two countries in the last one year.
She added that the country has put in place strategies to improve on its ranking on doing business.

“I thank you for the support in the area of doing business because as a result the easy of doing business committee has been constituted by President Muhammadu Buhari,’’ Abubakar said.


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