Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Good day ladies and gentlemen,I hope this educating epistle would meet you all in a free hearted state to assimilate and make use of it.

If I had to identify the number one misconception people have about leadership, it would be the belief that leadership comes from the opportunity of holding a political office. Of course no, its a weird idea because leading people actually takes more than mere opportunity but, I won't be talking about that for today.

I would love to start with the quote of a legend, Elbert Hubbard: 
"if what you did yesterday still look big to you,you haven't done much today"

I' ve met a lot of people who doesn't have the insight map of their destination. They assume that they are on top of leadership cliff once they have the  chance to get to a particular position.when they get to their desired position,they become conceited:they stop yearning for growth or improvement in their abilities. What a waste of potential!

The day you stop to grow, you die but, you might not notice so soon because you still breath in and out but,the psych behind it is that you don't have to stop striving to grow or improve until you die. There is nothing wrong if you don't have limitations, you can progress in your career as far as you want once you are still alive;well, I don't believe in retirement cos I am a staunch believer of "he who retires has stop to think" never try to relent once you are there because someone is actually working fervently to overthrow you.instead, intend your journey to be open ended.

The basic truth is that the key to personal development is to be more growth oriented than goal oriented;dont aim too low:your life becomes better once you stop setting limitations. There is nothing in you doing new things and improving everyday because if you keep learning,you will be better tomorrow than you are today,and that can do more good to you.
President Abraham Lincoln said,"I don't think of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday" when you tip your toes on the orientation of "Growth", you become wiser everyday which directly makes you a better leader than you were because your competence, ability, credibility increases and it directly affects you being influential.

The bitter truth is that leadership is of two phase;f you are not moving forward as a learner,then you are moving backward as a leader.

Learn to grow today and be a better person tomorrow. 
I would love to hang my pen for today, till I come your way with another educating leadership tip tomorrow. I won't stop learning,you don't have to.

By:Azeez Ayobami (Dr.sleem)

Azeez Ayobami (Dr.Sleem) is a student of Lauteh,Biochemistry department,faculty of basic medical science. He is an elocutionist, a writer, a vibrant orator and a good political analyst.


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