Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Spider-Man: Homecoming, the first full film production born from the partnership between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, is currently shooting in Atlanta, and while it’s early days yet the marketing campaign has already begun. Marvel brought star Tom Holland, director Jon Watts, and several of the other young cast members to San Diego Comic-Con 2016 last month to promote the film on stage and in interviews.

There a teaser trailer of sorts was played exclusively for attendees, and now through unofficial means, we have a first look at the Spider-Man: Homecoming movie teaser poster.

The below leaked image comes from Instagram user frishtrags (Ben Scrivens) who posted – and then deleted – a photo from the Las Vegas Convention Center where the three-day MAGIC Las Vegas fashion trade show which concludes today. The deletion is curious unless the photo was taken somewhere where photos shouldn’t be but it’s too late now. Someone’s in trouble!

The Spidey costume – which embraces black accents alongside the vibrant red and blue – and web-shooters are the same designs from the introduction of Peter Parker a.k.a. Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe earlier this summer when Tom Holland player the character on Team Iron Man for Captain America: Civil War. This suit and these web-shooters were designed and given to Parker as an “upgrade” thanks to Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark who returns in a supporting role for Homecoming. We know there will be more suit abilities on display in the film that we’ve yet to see.


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