Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Pen warrior: Olagunju Oluwaponmile (Mr Folap)

Is Never Too Late To Do It

   There are some thoughts you should eliminate from your mind that there is an expectation that you do anything by any age. There is nothing wrong that you haven't graduated from university at the age of 27-30, is ok being a teenager or adult and you never been kissed or gotten a boyfriend. There is no rule to life, you don't have special point of achieving certain things by a deadline, just go at you own speed, don't compete with others, it's not a race.

   Have you been thinking you are lagging behind your friends in certain things, although is good to get motivated by other's achievement but many considered it a failure, you may be working slowly, at least you are not working backwards, you might have tried so many times but all your efforts were futile. In as much you never give up on your resolution, you will surely get there.

   There are many popular examples of people that failed many times and didn't give up, there are many people that have been condemned already. but they turned out to be one of the most celebrated people now, I don't want to start mentioning those people because they are too many and your own and my own name have not been written already.

   I want you to go out there to prove to people that is never to late for you, tell them that you haven't waisted any of your time but your time was spent on sharpening your tools. Tell it to their face that your best is yet to come, strive hard to make perpetual landmark. YOU CAN STILL MAKE IT.



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