Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016


Good day my ever pragmatic readers, I hope you enjoyed the first part of my leadership is another fecund tip of being a good leader.

We often consider ourselves to be of many status and personality to the group of individual we are leading but, we often forget to be the one thing every homo sapiens wants:a friend. The basic thing so many leaders refuse to digest is that your followers are your challenges and at the same time, your strength. You can't be called a leader without having followers; thus, your intimacy with your followers is very important and paramount to your success as a leader.

President Abraham Lincoln said and I paraphrase,"if you would win a man to your cause,first convince him that you are his sincere friend." Good relationship makes influence possible which would absolutely catalyze the progress of your leadership trip and believe me you, friendship is the most positive strategy to lead people successfully because you get the right words of where you are weak from them with sincerity which will create room for your own personal improvement.

The frame work of every successful leadership is the ability to find common ground with people he is leading; I believe long term success is not possible without having good people around who is willing and always ready to share their ideas and innovations with you. The psych behind you relating with people is that you become more wiser than ever before because in the course of intimacy, you learn from the notch of 360degree talks. Theodore Roosevelt said, " The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people" without it, most achievements wont be achievable,and even if you eventually achieve something without relating with your followers,your achievements can feel hollow. Well, I have seen a lot of politicians who knows how to romance people with their romanticized words before election and after their inauguration, they don't do that again. But, the bitter truth is that most of them fail, that's the main reason why it looks as if politicians are not always sincere with their campaign promises. Creating a strong bond with the people you lead makes you more stronger.

Undoubtedly,you already have friends ,so I am so sure you know what it takes to develop friendships but,relationship with your followers might be quite different from making casual friends because the fact is that you still remain their leader. Making friends with your followers should be your goal, not finding a friend. All I am trying to say here is that, you shouldn't make friends with them with the sole aim of reciprocation.I.e, don't expect them to be like you and don't expect them to do things you do for them. Just be kind and be loyal. Here are some certain things you should do to make friends with your followers.

(1) Listen to their views and opinions even if they are not making sense.

(2)Find common ground not related to work. I.e, you don't have to always talk about your career, talk about other interesting things.

(3)Be available beyond business hours or classroom.

(4)Have a sense of humour

(5)Tell the truth when other don't.

I hope with all of this, you are good to go. Make friends, they are the ingredient of success. Till I come your way tomorrow with another invigorating epistle. Do have a fabulous day.

BY:Azeez Ayobami(Dr.sleem)


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