Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

For several years now, Hollywood leading man Bradley Cooper has made his way from supporting character actor, to studio comedy headliner, to Oscar-nominated Best Actor. Now the esteemed performer is making his first foray to the director’s chair, where he will be in charge of producing another remake of A Star Is Born (the first version of which was released in 1937, starring Janet Gaynor in the lead role).

Cooper’s film is the next remake in line after the 1976 version of A Star Is Born (starring Barbara Streisand) – which itself was preceded by the Judy Garland version from 1954. Cooper is no doubt hoping to put a new spin on the timeless tale of a young singer guided to superstardom by her mentor, lover, and fading celebrity icon. After initially approaching the likes of Beyonce to fill the starring role in the film, Cooper has finally (and officially) found his leading lady.

According to Deadline, pop music icon and Golden Globe winner Lady Gaga (American Horror Story) is now officially onboard for Cooper’s recently green-lit A Star Is Born. The movie will feature original musical compositions written and performed by Gaga herself, and will be co-written by Cooper and Will Fetters. Billy Gerber and Jon Peters are co-producing alongside Cooper and his Joint Effort partner Todd Phillips, in addition to executive producer Basil Iwanyk. Filming is expected to begin in California in early 2017. Gaga confirmed the news through her Twitter account, saying “[I’m] elated to be directed by & starring [with] Bradley in this project. He’s a brilliant visionary artist.”


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