Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

President Muhammadu Buhari Is expecting full cooperation from Nigerians with his administration's effort in ensuring that agriculture is made as one of the strong pillars of Nigeria's economy.

Speaking while declaring open the 8th Annual Bola Tinubu Colloquium held at the International Conference Center (ICC) in Abuja, with the theme: ‘Agriculture: action, work, revolution’ President Buhari said the nation must start eating only what it can produce within its shores.

He said his administration had resolved to prioritize agriculture so as to ensure that the country is sufficient in the production of rice, wheat among other crops.

Apparently gauging the enormity of work to be done to better the lots of Nigerians, President Buhari said all hands must be on deck.

“We are going to hold ourselves accountable. We will measure results. There will always be some scepticism; some have even become disorientated and impatient enough to think that barriers are insurmountable. Anyone who claims great change is impossible can only look at it as an ordinary success.”

For more affirmation of his words, he also added that,

“We intend to organize an efficient market infrastructure that will make agriculture viable for investors. We are providing an enabling environment so as to ensure certainty and predictability for the private sector.

“We intend to also ensure that the market is fair and worth to transform small holder farmers from beggars to businessmen.

“Furthermore, we are going to keep focusing on improved nutrition for children. We know the effects of hunger and poor nutrition can last a life time. Children are thrown out of school to earn a living.”


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