Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday, March 31, 2016

By: Dr.Sleem
(Lautech voice)


The truth is, we all must learn to appreciate the individual differences between us,  Don't try to squeeze everybody to your own way of life and don't allow anyone to invade your personal style of living. Certainly, we can always learn from other people, and sometimes we need to be open to change. But you need not to feel uncomfortable with who you are, You  don't have to feel dejected for not having the same features that someone else has.

The main reason why many people are discontented today is because they compare themselves with other people. For instance, You start out in a perfect good mood but when you see one of your friends or a close relative that seems better than you, either because he/she is successful, glamorous or blessed with something special, that thought of envy or jealousy will just jump at you and You start thinking "I wish I was like him" . Before long, your good mood is gone, you are discouraged and discontented about who you are. Although, it's an enviable fit to become successful or blessed with something extraordinary, that doesn't mean you should crucify who you are but rather make it the source of your motivation.

Here's some good news: you don't have to keep up with anyone else. You can run your own race and be an individual. God has given you the grace to do what he's called you to do. He has not given you the grace to be an ordinary duplicate of another person; the best you can be is yourself.

"You don't have to be a conformist, just open yourself to positive change"

@ Dr.Sleem Quote diary 2016.

Enjoy the rest of the day...


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