Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

By: Dr Sleem

(Lautech voice)


Our thought and expectations wield tremendous power and influence in our lives. We don't always get what we deserve in life but we usually get no more than we expect;we receive what we believe. Definitely, this principle it's not a farce, likewise it has its own strengths and weaknesses.

If you go through difficulties in life,don't give up, rather be tenacious. Don't limit yourself to a mediocre height, rather be pensive, fasten your thinking belt and change your thought towards life positively;positive attitude brings positive result.
Your low expectations can be woe begone even if you are destined to be great in life;your own wrong thinking will bring you down. you've  to change your thinking, be optimistic about life, hope for the best, knock off all expectations of failure and start believing that you are going to succeed.

Even if bottom falls out of your life, your attitude should not connote lost of enthusiasm or hope; you should have that hardcore believe that you will come out greater and stronger than before. If we see ourselves as a failure, always having problems, we will subconsciously move towards that sort of life. To move forward in life, we must change our focus and ultimately we must believe.

Remember that what you believe has a much greater impact in your life than what anybody else believes. Have believe in yourself today and the sky will be your starting point.

"What you are today is the product of your thought yesterday and actions towards it"-----

@Dr Sleem quote diary(2016)...

Enjoy the rest of the day...


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