Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Contrary to constant claims, the Supreme Council of Knights of Saint Mulumba (KSM), Nigeria has refuted all allegations and reiterated that its members are not cultists and they would not hesitate to ex-communicate any member found to belong to a cult group. The council stated this last Thursday in Port Harcourt while addressing reporters at the opening of its 36th Annual Convention of the council with the theme, “The Church in Nigeria and its role in Democracy Governance.” Speaking on the issue, Supreme Knight, Bro. Anthony Onuh, expressed worries over suspicions from the public that Knights were a group of cultists in the Catholic church.
He said: "The order will sack any of our member found to be member of any secret cult without hesitation as it is against our principles. All members are given opportunity to advance him or herself spiritually with the spirit of God, so what is the need of belonging to a secret cult group. We will dismiss any of our member found wanting without minding his position. We do not tolerate cultism."


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