Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Real Madrid star says it would be "almost impossible" to move to Camp Nou or an English club other than Man Utd but feels "everything is open, all leagues"Cristiano Ronaldo has refused to rule out a future move to Barcelona although the Real Madrid star admits it would be "very complicated" to join the Camp Nou side.

The Portugal international's future has been the subject of speculation in recent weeks although speaking after Real's 8-0 win over Malmo he again insisted he is happy at the Bernabeu despite links with PSG.

However, in an interview with the Associated Press on Thursday, Ronaldo admitted he was keeping his options completely open with regards his future.

"It's a little more difficult, but...," he said, when speaking about his future before pausing and adding. "There are things that you kind of already have an idea, that to play one day for Barcelona would be almost impossible, or to play for another English club other than Manchester, it's very complicated.

"But that's not 100 per cent guaranteed. As I said before, there are no certainties in football. Everything is open, all leagues. I may end my career here with Real Madrid. I'm just being honest.

"I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. If I was 75 per cent certain, I would say so, it wouldn't be a problem. But I have no idea."

Louis van Gaal has recently revealed his interest in bringing Ronaldo back to Old Trafford and the 30-year-old admits he does not know where his future lies.

"As a football professional, this is always an unknown, so I prefer to stay in the present," he added.

"The present is good and I'm enjoying being at Real Madrid. But in a few years I don't know how I'm going to be thinking.

"When it's closer to ending my contract I'm going to have to make decisions, whether it's staying at Real Madrid or going to another club or ending my career in a few years.

"It's normal. That's why I'm not worried, because I know that everything has a beginning and everything has an end.

"I'm ready for that. I'm ready to stay at Real Madrid, to leave, to end my career when it's time. It's part of my job."


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