Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

By Igoniko Oduma,Yenagoa
Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson, has set up a six-man judicial commission of inquiry “to investigate the violence,mayhem and grave breach of the peace that occurred in parts of the state on or about the 3rd to 6th of December,2015”.

This was contained in a statement on Friday in Yenagoa signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Daniel Iworiso-Markson.
The state governorship election was conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on 5 and 6 December 2015.
According to the statement, Dickson relied on Section 2(1) of the Commission of Inquiry Law, Cap 8 Laws of Bayelsa State of Nigeria 2006 to set up the judicial panel.

The commission is chaired by Justice Margaret Akpomiemie with Abraham Lord Ekiamene as Secretary.
Other members of the panel include Bob Ake, a retired Brigadier-General, Victoria Abah Tekena, Martha Akpana and Tamadu Abasi as counsel for the commission.
It stated that a quorum of the commission  shall be constituted if at any of its sittings the chairman  and two others are present.
“The Commission shall hold its first sitting as soon as it is sworn-in and shall hold inquiries at such places and dates as the Chairman may determine”, the statement note

It also listed the following terms of reference for the commission.
1. To determine the number and identities of the persons that were injured or killed, if any, during the violence, mayhem and breach of the peace that occurred in parts of Bayelsa State on or about the 3rd to 6th December, 2015.

2. To determine the extent of damage to property, if any, during the said incidents. 

3.To identify the perpetrators of the said violence, mayhem and breach of the peace and recommend appropriate action.

4. To determine the role played by the security agencies in the said incidents, if any.

5.To recommend measures aimed at averting future occurrences of such incidents.

6.To make any recommendations as the Commission may deem fit to make in the circumstances.

7. To do such other lawful act(s) for the purpose of giving effect to or that may be incidental to the fore – going terms of reference.
It stated that the commission shall take such evidence as would enable it perform the task entrusted to it.

The statement further stated that the commission has 21 days, from its first sitting or within such extended period as may be allowed in writing, to deliver on its assignment and submit its report.
It added that the commission would be inaugurated next week Monday, 14 December 2015.


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