Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

As a kid, we all remember growing up watching our favorite cartoon characters and wishing we could be them somehow. Some people dressed up as their favorite characters for Halloween while others changed their entire appearance.

 Pixee Fox, 25, is a woman who looks breathtakingly similar to her cartoony inspirations, Jessica rabbit, Aurora and Holli Would. She has spent over $119,200 on plastic surgeries to get her look.

Controversy began to rise when doctors and other professionals found out that she removed six of her lower ribs to shrink her waist down.

Her waist is now 14-inches and her lower internal organs and liver have lost their natural protection. However, she says she’s not worried because she wears her corset 24/7 which acts as an “artificial rib cage.”

Although most people around her will deem her as a bad influence, she insists that her 70,000 followers on Instagram look up to her as a good role model. Besides the 11 procedures she paid for out of her own savings and earnings, the rest of her surgeries were paid by fans who praise her.

Her reasoning for her intensive plastic surgery is simple. She says, “Those cartoon characters represent the idealization of the female body. I want to have the tiny waist, the butt, big boobs, big eyes and a really pretty face.”

She emphasizes that she is not trying to inspire people to get plastic surgery, but to simply get out there and do whatever it is you want to do.

Is she an inspiration or just plain nuts? Click through the slideshow down below to see her before and after transformation.


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