Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015

It’s no news popular OAP, Freeze of Cool Fm loves to flaunt his collection of designer wristwatches, valued at about 30 million naira. But for those who are concerned he may get robbed, Freeze has put those fears to rest, revealing he keeps his watches stored in a bank vault until, the traffic robbery situation in Lagos is dealt with.

See his post below:

Can you see my watch as I drive in traffic this evening? Don't worry the watchs are safe in the vault of a very trust worthy bank. Traffic robbery is at an all time high and the thought of it is petrifying. On this same street a robber was a preheated this afternoon and I am tempted to say the government has failed us, but I'll hold my tongue and pray for our leaders. I don't want to be a statistic so the car's clock is more than enough to tell the time, until the traffic robbers are safely where they truly belong!


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