Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016


Raggea Blues singer explained the reason behind some artiste using Dutch courage before going on stage. He made this known that some artiste usually take drugs before performing on stage because of AGORAPHOBIA (fear of crowd).

“It’s not a plus because I think it’s a limitation. Some are shy and can’t face the crowd but I don’t think it is enough reason to take drugs. I don’t do drugs. For me, if God has given you a talent, he also empowers you to handle any challenges that may come with it,” he stated.


The Gala ambassador also talked about how he discovered he had a flair for music at a very tender age and named  his grand mother as his mentor who made him the man he is today.

According to him,

“I was thrown into the world after I lost my parents. I had a lot of influences from the outside but it was my grand mum that moulded me.”

“It was not easy at all because you have to face the world all by yourself but with the church background I had from my grand mum, I just knew that there were certain things I must not do. I don’t smoke and I don’t drink, it was just music for me all the way.”


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