Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

 Apparently, nothing.

During the Fusion network’s Brown & Black Democratic forum on Monday night in Des Moines, Clinton was asked what she got the Republican frontrunner when she attended his 2005 wedding to model Melania Knauss.

“Nothing, nothing,” she said.

“He was basically a Democrat before he was a Republican,” Clinton explained. “He was, you know, somebody we all knew in New York, and he was supportive of Democrats and supportive of a lot of causes I care about and people I knew cared about."

"Now he seems to have taken another road," she added.

Clinton, who frequently goes after Trump on the campaign trail for his anti-immigrant rhetoric, has faced questions as to why she and her husband, Bill Clinton, once attended his nuptials a decade ago.

Over the summer, Clinton explained that she went because she thought it would be “fun” and “entertaining.” Trump, however, has suggested that it was his donations that made her go.

At the forum on Monday night, Trump’s name was also brought up when Clinton was asked if she thinks her Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders can get elected.

“Anybody can win!" Clinton explained, “Who would have thought Donald Trump would be leading in national polls?"


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