Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

By Emmanuel Aziken, Political Editor & Emma Amaize

Hope for an end to the about two-year crisis in the Delta State chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC was raised yesterday after the national leadership intervened to stem an imminent formal breakage of the party in the state.

The intervention of the national leadership through the national chairman, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun came as the party was about to today formally split into two major factions. Parallel meetings spearheaded by the minister of state (petroleum), Dr. Ibe Kachikwu and the 2015 governorship candidate of the party, Olorogun Otega Emerhor, were to have been held today in separate towns in the state. Both meetings, however, were yesterday said to have been cancelled after Odigie-Oyegun intervened to ask the conveners to pull back to allow the national leadership wade in.

Saturday Vanguard gathered that the National Working Committee, NWC of the party is to consider the crisis at a scheduled meeting on Tuesday.

The party in the state had until last month been divided into many factions without a recognised leadership until the Secretary to the Government of the Federation; SGF convened a meeting in Abuja of all stakeholders where he asked Kachikwu to intervene and provide leadership. All party chieftains with the exception of those aligned to Emerhor were at the meeting and agreed to allow Kachikwu provide leadership.

It was in that direction that Kachikwu summoned a meeting of all stakeholders for today in his country home in Ubulu-Uku. His move was opposed by elements supportive of Emerhor who also summoned a parallel meeting for Kwale.

The post Oyegun intervenes to stop formal breakup of Delta APC appeared first on Vanguard News.

from Vanguard News


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