Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Director General, Media and Publicity, to the Governor of Kogi State, Kingsley Fanwo has called for caution over protests by “some vested” interest groups agitating for immediate appointment of a Federal Minister from Kogi state to replace the late Barrister James Ocholi on the Federal Executive Council.

Fanwo who stated this during a chat with journalists in Lokoja said the people of the state have absolute confidence in President Muhammadu Buhari to make a good choice at the appropriate time, insisting that staging a protest to force the hand of the President is “reckless, mischievous and a misrepresentation of the position of Kogi people on the issue”.

“We are aware some vested interests have been making frantic moves to create a wrong impression of the issue of ministerial appointment from Kogi State. President Muhammadu Buhari is a meticulous leader who will ensure all the processes are followed before a pronouncement is made.”

“Appointment of a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria takes a process. As we speak, the President is working on it and very soon, Kogi State shall be represented on the Federal Executive Council.”

“Those protesting against what they termed a delay in the appointment are mischievous and are at variance with the feelings of the Kogi people. They are sponsored political jobbers and confused mercenaries employed to make a big storm out of a tea cup.”

“We urge the security agencies to ensure people do not hide under the guise of unnecessary protest to disrupt the peace of the Federal Capital Territory as the protesters do not represent the interest of the good people of the State”.

He said the Presidency is consulting widely on the issue and carrying all stakeholders along to ensure a good choice is done from the State to contribute to the Change Agenda of the Federal Government, assuring the people that only a trusted leader like President Muhammadu Buhari is capable of driving the nation out of recession.

The Director General warned youth against been used by unscrupulous individuals who are fanning the embers of confusion as a result of their parochial interests. He said the best way to immortalize the late Ocholi is to find a worthy replacement who will make the State proud.

The post Kogi ministerial nominee: ‘Protesters are political jobbers’ appeared first on Vanguard News.

from Vanguard News


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