Monday, August 01, 2016

Monday, August 01, 2016

Ghanaian actress,movie producer and C.E.O of YN’s closet, Yvonne Nelson took some time out to share  a bit of  relationship advice with her followers on twitter. After her much talked about failed romance with Nigerian musician,Iyanya, her followers were eager to retweet and like her relationship tweets.

See some of them below

Date a guy that says things like:drive safe,text me when ur home,
let's hang out w ur fam
please be careful
how was ur day
im so proud of u

If ur girlfriend isnt the most annoying human you've ever met in ur life then is she really ur girlfriend??

Half you boys better pray your daughter never runs into a guy like you

never settle for anyone who isn’t absolutely, insanely, & foolishly happy to be with you

One mans "annoying female" is another mans "damn baby where you been all my life"


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