Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

By:Azeez Ayobami


Don't be a dead fish;Swim right

I don't know why people feel bad when they fail but, I can count more than a hundred reasons why they are always happy when they succeed even, if it is a narrow escape.

The main thing in life is not about winning battles all the time but, it is all about learning from the battle you loosed in order to consolidate yourself for future battle. I am not trying to say that it is good to loose at all times but, I just want you to get the real insight of being a "successful failure"

I would love to admonish you to never be at the feet of life even, if your plans and your strategies are not working out well. The best you can be is to be a success even after so much failure. The main thing is not all about winning battles but, it is about learning how to be a great warrior in the battle of success in the forceful field of failure; life won't be fair to you because you are a coward.

Rise up again and face the brunt of failure and success will be yours; if  you really want to be great, you have to be ready to swim against the wave of pressure in life.

"If I fail, it is my successful fault" @ Dr.Sleem quote diary.

Have a awesome day,  great minds.


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