Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Everton are close to being taken over by wealthy American duo John Jay Moores and Charles Noell, with Bill Kenwright edging nearer to securing big investment for the club.

The Toffees are one of the few remaining Premier League clubs to be under English control, with chairman Kenwright, Robert Earl and Jon Woods collectively holding a 70% majority at Goodison Park.

Kenwright, who personally owns 26% of the club’s shares, has been searching for a cash injection for some time, but has been extremely wary of handing the reins over to an investor who wouldn’t have the club’s best interests at heart.

A number of potential candidates have been reported this season, and with the upcoming Premier League broadcasting deal coming into place from next term, Everton are looking an even more promising business venture.

After years of searching though, it finally looks like the Toffees are nearing the completion of a £200 million takeover, as reported by City A.M.

Moores and Noell have been in the process of due diligence since before Christmas, and could conclude a deal in the coming weeks, but who exactly are the men set to take charge on Merseyside?


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