Saturday, December 05, 2015

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are officially parents of two.
The 35-year-old reality star gave birth to a baby boy on Saturday, announcing the exciting news on Kim’s official website. “Kanye and I welcome our baby boy,” the announcement read. She also took to Twitter, writing, “He’s here!”
Kim and Kanye’s newest addition to their family joins his big sister, 2-year-old North West. Earlier this month, Kim moved up her due date — which was originally on Christmas Day — due to health concerns, specifically, gestational diabetes, Us Weekly reported. Kim also gave birth to North early in 2013 — the couple’s first child arrived six weeks before her due date.
“I had early-onset preeclampsia and I had to deliver at 34 weeks, almost six weeks early,” Kim explained on her website this month, explaining that after her first birth, her “placenta stayed attached inside my uterus, which is a condition called placenta accreta.”
“My doctor had to stick his entire arm in me and detach the placenta with his hand, scraping it away from my uterus with his fingernails,” she added of the painful experience. “My mom was crying; she had never seen anything like this before.”
Kim has been open with her struggles to get pregnant with her second child, as well as continuing to experience health issues this time around.
“With the issues I had last time, my risk of having preeclampsia and placenta accreta is increased and there’s not a whole lot I can do to prevent it, so my anxiety is a little high leading up to my delivery,” she admitted on her website.
Though she’s also made it clear that she was more than ready to give birth to her son!
“I feel like a f**king whale,” Kim candidly wrote on her website in October, also tweeting that she’s gained 52 pounds this pregnancy.
“For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life! LOL!” the reality starwrote on her app in October. “I don’t enjoy one moment of it and I don’t understand people who enjoy it. My mom [Kris Jenner] and Kourtney clearly did! More power to them but I just don’t relate!”


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