Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Netloop VPN is the name given to the latest
version of Simple Android Server which
happens to be among the best VPN apps for
tweakers to flex free and affordable
browsing on both Android and PC devices.
Simple server has gone a long way in
transformation with recent version updates
including the one that made it to be
powering all applications without the use of
proxydroid and other proxifying apps.
If you have been a tweaker for a long
time,you will notice that SAS application
started rocking on Nokia symbian phones
and that time Lord Zouga wasn't the main
developer of the app but he used the name
SIMPLE SERVER to create his own SAS with
a more better and easy to understand user
interface that drew the attention of many.
Since then, Simple Android Server aka SAS
has being one of the must-have apps on any
Android users phone especially Nigerians,
Indians and South Africans.
If you check Google Playstore right now, you
will see a new logo and name for simple
server which means that the developer have
decided to brand it on his own now he has
gotten recognition. He renamed simple
server to Netloop VPN with some more

VPN featuresbr /> • HTTP request Compression.
• Ability to modify TCP connection
• Ability to use hotspot over VPN ( Requires
root )
• Ability to use multiple concurrent
connections to the VPN servers for the best
Network usage experience
Local Server Features
• modify outgoing requests.
• specify alternate proxy servers to send a
request through
• provide alternate headers and ability to
strip headers from incoming http responses
• ability to choose number of connections to
be maintained by the app (good for power
• ability to share configurations through any
file transfer method.
• System wide proxy service
The most important feature is that you can
now use the VPN features without paying for
the premium version.
==> MTN 0.00 Tweak
==> MTN music plus tweak
==> MTN 0facebook tweak
==> MTN 2go and mega blast tweak
==> MTN BBLITED tweak
==> Etisalat smartpak tweaks
==> Etisalat 0.00 tweak
==> Airtel 0.00 tweak

....Expect the app here soon!


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